Explorations of Hospitality

Hospitality is the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors, offering a person a home away from home. It usually implies a series of procedures that regulate encounters and how people develop a rapport. The female elder of a Wao tribe in Ecuador once explained to me how hospitality works: "This is what we do now so that you coming from afar say 'this is good' and then you do the same thinking in us. Likewise, you behave in a certain way so that we say 'this is good' and then do as you did thinking in you."

Here, we explore the different aspects of hospitality as a way of bringing people together and as a means for justice. Technically, it is a non-formal means of justice, working as memory, oral history, and recognition. 

Click on the links below to learn more about the project:

Phase 1 Tea for memory 

focuses on restorative actions in Ayacucho, the department most affected by internal armed conflict in Peru.

extends the ideas to other parts of Peru and to other groups of interest: migrants and host communities, a Japanese descendant community in the jungle, LGBT+ people living HIV, traditional healers.

Phase 3 Untitled project

Looks into exploring hospitality performed and recorded by people of interest using local traditions and produce, and building their capacity to document their stories.

Feedback and social impact activities with target people.

Drawings, transcripts, interviews, testimonies, audio, and video material for researchers.