Welcome to this site... here we have essays (things we try to do) and things we do while trying. Check out my main research about hospitality, bonding  and memory; and my other (sometimes not-so-serious) projects 

"An essay is, after all, an essay — a test, a trial, an experiment." (LaBarge)

"It gives primacy to artfulness over the conveying of information, forsaking narrative line, discursiveness, and the art of persuasion in favour of idiosyncratic meditation... It may, though, meander, making use of other genres when they serve its purpose, sampling the techniques of fiction, drama, journalism, song, and film. The stories it tells may be no more than metaphors. Or, storyless, it may spiral in on itself, circling the core of a single image or idea, without climax, without paraphrasable theme" (Shields)